Back in the day working with The Ground Crew, many stars would come back stage to interview, be seen, see what's going on....so of course Jon Stewart joined in the fun to see what it was like. This was for Esquire magazine and how excited I was that I was included in the article and also a photo opt.
I wrote a little essay about my experience, here is what I said:
A View From the Ground
February started out with a bang for me. I was in three magazines, Essence, Brooklyn Bridge, and Esquire! Back in mid January, Michelle (from the Ground Crew) calls me "Cassandra you're in Esquire Magazine!" "No Michelle, Essence!". I saw how easily she could be mistaken, both begin with E and have the same number of letters. "No Cassandra, Esquire! Don't you think I can Read!?
Realizing then, she obviously had a clear mind, the next day I went to search of this Esquire magazine. The powers that be have finally noticed my invaluable contribution to the fashion industry. After three newsstands and a train ride from my house, Eureka! there was little (none) recognition, not wanting to create a riot, I politely grabbed my magazine and scurried away with my hat pulled over my eyes. A few steps away, I ferociously turned to page 103 and there I was as big as day and I do mean big (kind of in the fold).
My glare at Jon Stewart was direct, we were in serious conversation. I began to 'Evelyn Wood' read the article looking for Cassandra of the Ground Crew. Perplexed at not finding my name, I read the copy next to the picture YADA YADA YADA, OLDER FEMALES. OH MY GOD "older females" that's a strange way to spell Cassandra of the Ground Crew. Don't they fact check at Esquire.
I'm in a strange position now. Do I begin a press kit with this page? If my name is now Older Female is my Mother's name "Old Timer"? Do I have to notify the credit card companies?
I now understand, fame is exhilarating and depressing at the same time.
I am forever grateful to Justin 3A for getting me my signed copy of this issue. Thank you.
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