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Death of a Retail Giant, Lord and Taylor

When I took my annual Christmas Walk, Lord and Taylor was a main stop on the journey.  Their windows usually focused on Old New York, and the attention to detail in this miniature animated format was so exciting to see.  Some years the windows would have a fantasy, with squirrels and gingerbread dancing.  What ever it was I was happy to see the tradition. I knew the store was closing, half hoped it was a terrible rumor, but last year was their last Christmas Window.  I had heard so much about the sale of the store display, I went in to see for myself.......Wow it really is over! Scroll all the way down for the videos. Definitely an opportunity for...

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Macy's Christmas Windows 2018

Christmas in New York is lively and bright with twinkling lights and in the air is the Holiday music as people hustle buy and buy there is always a Holiday window to peer into. Macy's never disappoints with it's interactive windows and story of Virginia's letter to the New York Sun.  

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As I was walking down 5th Ave, I passed the Marble Church (, the fence around the church was covered with orange ribbons.  As beautiful as it was to see these colorful ribbons flapping in the wind was, they symbolized a more regrettable fact....Gun Violence has killed more than 12,000 people since Columbine, more than 1600 were children and teens. " On Saturday, October 13, 2018, Marble Collegiate Church unveiled its new ribbon initiative, Prayers of Remembrance and Peace. A few words were spoken from their Senior Minister, Dr. Michael Bos and was followed by guests and officials tying the names of Gun Violence Victims on the church’s fence. On Sunday, October 14, after the 11:00am Worship service, our congregation...

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