This past weekend I participated in a Summer Sale at Sweet Octavia's show room, along with Charlene Heyliger. I hadn't done this in a long time and what a great fun we had. Shoppers came, to shop, laugh, talk, model, and have a good time. Lois models a 4ply silk patchwork dress One of Charlene's woven tops. This T shirt was woven with African fabric strips, some of the t shirts the the woven pieces would form a pocket. Ashley wears a jersey patchwork skirt and white cotton top Mother and Daughter model Charlene's tops which are hand screen printed with a weaving patchwork of fabric strips that form a pocket. Helen was deciding between the red or the...
I am in creative mode, but I do find it a bit frustrating that I cannot seem to get product to shop quickly enough.....Which is why it's a bit easier to take items uptown to Calabar Imports in Harlem. Here is a series of silk organza skirts that I am presently working on. The fabric is first cut and then patched together in desired pattern. Then the fabric is tied for the the dying process. In some designs I will make the skirt and dye it after it is some designs it works better to finish it after it is dyed. The skirt below is patched with silk organza and and silk satin yellow strips and tied dyed, but...
It's about that time when we're about to leap (get it :)) into Spring. Denim is the perfect fabric for now, later, and later later. I've created some denim patchwork skirts that are now available at Calabar Imports Harlem 2504 Frederick Douglas Blvd, Harlem NY, 646-964-5062.